Sunday, 19 April 2015

Trying to make "book" bags. The size I made is rather difficult to maneuver 
  under the machine.  The dimentions  are 12h, 9w and 4d
Not really happy with it.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Getting ready for the Market in May....have 5 bowls ( with the hole for the wool to go thru) wrapped with yarn and needles.....? Mother's Day gifts ?? Will have plain bowls( without hole) of various shapes and sizes. Will give the proceeds  to the food bank, if they sell.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

I find the more bowls I sew the more control I have in shaping the bowls. Still not happy with changing colours by butting the edges. Plan to try experimenting to see if it could be neater
Playing with rope decorations

a little busy with the coloured thread

like the shape , not sure what it could be used for

playing with colour

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Still getting used to the blog and added the last pictures twice . will try to correct the problem

Little different technic with the dye

                                                             another wool bowl
                                                      a little whimsy
this one is rather large about 12 in wide and 9 in tall

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Well all the bowls are one of a kind. I hand dye some of the rope before making the bowls. I tried dyeing after and the results were not as good. I never know what the color will turn out to be ...different rope takes up the dye differently and some that are a blend are harder to dye. I am thinking about buying from a different source but the price is doubled.